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Thanks for voting for Amendment #2!
Although it failed, we may support more pro-life amendments in the future!

Prolife radio ad fundraiser Thank You.jpg

Thank you, everyone who donated!
Kentucky Doctors for Life raised over $5,000 for radio ads and is intending to spend over $6,000 on radio ads, mostly from money donated.

Listen to the Radio Show Episode on Amendment #2!

Listen to the Ad!

60 Second Version

30 Second Version

Visual Version

Paid for by Kentucky Doctors for Life but not aired on TV

We want to inform as many people as we can about voting for the proposed second amendment to the Kentucky constitution. Can you help us hand out fliers to friends and family?

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Download Flier

KY Second Amentment Flier.jpg

Download Kentucky Citizen Newspaper Article
about the Pro-Life Amendment

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